About Me

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Wife, Animal Lover, Pediatric Audiologist, Golfer, Skier, Childless By Choice, Half-Marathon Runner

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaackkk!

Why hello! Yes, it has been MORE THAN A YEAR since I last blogged. I'm not quite sure what happened, but here I am again. I'm not going to re-cap the last year, but maybe just the last couple of months. I actually completed the couch to 5k program this summer, and believe it or not, I can actually run now, without stopping. I have done a few 5ks and my times are getting better and better. I might even, dare I say, look forward to my runs. I am on a training schedule for the Turkey Trot (I know, I know, I said that last year). But I am very much committed to this. My lovely husband created a training schedule for me, which consists of 3 runs/week, with speed work and mileage increases as well. I am also squeezing in some elliptical and stationary bike work. I also went back to Weight Watchers about 5 weeks ago and I am down about 10 lbs, so it is easy to stay motivated when I see so much progress.


  1. I'm ready and impressed by you daily and weekly. Keep running so that someday I can run with you!:)
    If nothing else lets make this about me!

  2. Welcome Back! I dont think anyone's called me lovely before.
