About Me

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Wife, Animal Lover, Pediatric Audiologist, Golfer, Skier, Childless By Choice, Half-Marathon Runner

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of Blogcation

So I haven't blogged in over a month or so... I kind of lost interest for awhile there. Partly because my exercise motivation disappeared, partly because I think only two people read this, one of whom I am married to, and partly because I just plain had nothing interesting to say. Anyway over the last week I have gotten back into it... working on the "couch to 5K" program again, so that I can properly train myself for the Turkey Trot, which frighteningly enough, is not so far away. So I am trying to run three days a week, take my Zumba class one day, and do weight training on two of my running days. Doing OK so far... wouldn't say I LOVE running yet- in fact, I believe the word HATE left my lips on Monday. But I invested in a properly fitted pair of sneakers, so I really can't give up now. On top of that my ten year college reunion is in a month and I would rather not have people say "Hey, I saw Danielle. Yup, she's the same just a fatter version." So there you go.


  1. Hey Danielle! I just saw you on Danielle's meandering thoughts blog, and thought I'd check your blog out! Then I read above where you said you stopped blogging because no one is reading your blog- so I thought I'd be a reader too! I think the Turkey trot sounds awesome, go you for doing it!
